
Jan 6, 2025

It's 2025! Happy New Year!

Hello friends! Happy New Year 2025!  I am back.  It's been a long time of hiatus.  Yes. Life had been busy these couple of years. It was mostly because of school.  My darling daughter entered middle school and I had to supervise most of her school activities.  She's into two sports and our schedule was very hectic.

Anyway, I am coming back to blogging, vlogging, and product reviewing.  I missed these things.  Hopefully I will be able to balance my time this time.  Also, I realized that, blogging can be a therapy.  Yes.  I see it like that.  

Wish me luck, friends.  I will do my best to keep this blog updated from time to time.  

Happy New Year!  May the New Year be prosperous and optimistic for us.



Thank you for sharing!

Jul 7, 2022

Mammoth Sunflowers In The Garden


Spraying pesticide on the sunflower.

Very tall Mammoth Sunflowers.

We decided to plant a few Mammoth Sunflowers in the garden this year.  Look that these giants!  They're taller than my husband, who's 5'11.  Wow!  I can't wait to see how huge their flowers would be. It is going to be a very exciting summer gardening.



Thank you for sharing!

Jun 22, 2022

Vegetable Garden 2022 First Harvest


Japanese Eggplant   

It is delightful to see our vegetable garden is looking great this year.  As you know, we haven't been getting any luck with our garden in the last three years.  So this year's harvest is pretty much a delight.  

This is the only eggplant I have this year, and it is doing fantastic.  The bell peppers, jalapeños, and the banana pepper are looking great as well.  We shared some peppers to the neighbors last night.  I used the remaining ones for my stir-fry. :)



We also tried planting some tomato varieties this year.  I will tell you more about it in my next post.  


Thank you for sharing!