
Mar 15, 2020

We Have Found What We've Been Looking For - Subaru Outback SUV

Well what do you know? Dear husband found the SUV that he's been shopping around online for.  It has the color and the features that we've been looking for.  Guess where he found it? It's in Oklahoma City. :)

Call us crazy but we drove up to Oklahoma City from Dallas this weekend to look and buy it.  We talked about this and our decision was final. We drove up there and bought the Subaru Outback SUV (pre-owned). We traded our Hyundai Elantra and finance the balance.  Our credit score came out to be in excellent standing so the interest rate is very low. 

It was a one-day eight-hour trip to and from Oklahoma City on a rainy day weekend, and coming home with a newly-bought pre-owned Subaru Outback SUV.  

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