
Sep 22, 2008

A Tree Frog Stuck On The Wall

We were supposedly meeting Steve's friend but it was canceled for some reason. So we just stayed at home in Wylie and ran errands as usual. As my husband watered the plants at home this weekend, he saw this tree frog stuck on the outside wall of our house. He was wondering where it came from. Then he said maybe from the rain waters last week. Good thing I was done mowing the yard so I got the chance to take a picture of the tree frog.
And look, there's green grasshopper near him. Looks like he's asking why they have the same color.
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Lisa said...

hi dropping by here and say thanks for the visit..

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, i liked it

Anonymous said...

very nice, i liked your blog,,,

Anonymous said...

yay i dont like this creatures... lols... do you like then Marly?
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Jerla Oh lalala said...

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cha said...

thanks for dropping by :)

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Anonymous said...

I have never seen tree frogs, even haven't had a notion of what they look like. Nice!

Nanaybelen said...

hi. yes same color stays together .
nice blog