
May 16, 2011

Favorite Coffee: Chocolate Mocha

I love chocolate mocha coffee more than life itself. This delicious coffee can brighten up any crappy day that I have. I love to grab this coffee after the most difficult days, because it makes all the stress simply melt away. There is something about sitting down in a cafe and simply sipping this goodness that truly makes me feel at peace with the world.

I love chocolate mocha coffee so much and love drinking it in a cafe setting. Cafes are amazing for their awesome social atmosphere. I love to do everything from writing books and articles in a cafe to drawing and painting in cafes. I find it a lot of fun to sketch out people's portraits in cafes and create impressionist sorts of scenes. The impressionists definitely inspire me for the ways in which they began recording cafe atmospheres filled with people. Overall, I would trade nothing else for a cup of my favorite chocolate mocha coffee and a great cafe somewhere. I always need to set my Security Choice home security alarm before I leave for the local cafe, because I can sit for hours and hours simply drinking my favorite cup of chocolate mocha. There is nothing better than enjoying some chocolate goodness and truly enjoying life. I simply love this coffee and would love to have a lifetime supply of it.

Thanks to Erasmo Cortez

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Online Notebook said...

I love Choco Mocha too :)


Mhar's Display said...

wow great!
