
Aug 10, 2009

The Kitchen Is The Heart Of Our Home

For us women, the kitchen is the heart of our home. Why? Because this is the only place where you prepare, cook, and serve food for the family. Also the kitchen is considered the busiest part of the house because here, the family gathers together for a delicious meal.

Though my kitchen is not so orderly like yours, I kept all my cooking stuff in a place where I can easily find them. I wish I have jk adams pot rack where I can hang all my pots and pans for easy reach. But everything looks fine to me. My spices are in jk adams spice rack that my honey bought years ago. So when I am cooking, all I do is grab the rack and choose the seasoning I want. Other kitchen stuff like utensils, silver and chinaware are placed in the cabinets. I am still checking jk adams products for fine kitchen tools though.

My kitchen is not as pretty as others have but it is the place in the house where my honey and I happily cook our food together. I think it is wonderful. I love my kitchen. Sure you love yours too.


BLOGZOOM said...

HI!!! my kitchen is simple but cute and has everything I need, the kitchens usually end up being good places for friendly conversations.

Mhar's Display said...

@ sissym
I love my kitchen too, even if it is not too organized. Working in the kitchen is fun especially if you are with your honey, cooking and eating delicious meal.


ejay said...

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