Suddenly I feel weird waking up this morning. My head is aching, my nose is stuffy, and I feel kinda nauseous. Does it mean I am having migraine again?
I could not keep any kind of food down. My stomach is empty. I called my honey at work and asked if he can come home early today because I can hardly tend for my daughter. The nausea is really terrible and I feel miserable. This is unmanageable not like before.
My honey came home at 3pm. I was able to rest but still, couldn't eat well.
I could not keep any kind of food down. My stomach is empty. I called my honey at work and asked if he can come home early today because I can hardly tend for my daughter. The nausea is really terrible and I feel miserable. This is unmanageable not like before.
My honey came home at 3pm. I was able to rest but still, couldn't eat well.