Thanks to Danny Mays
I love spending my lunch break with friends at work because we have a great break room with cable television specials that we watch to catch up on our stories. We all love the soap operas that are on everyday and we would miss many of them or have to watch prerecorded shows if we didn't have this perk at work.
Our break room is very comfortable with a couch, tables and chairs. We also have a refrigerator, microwave, toaster and more at our disposal provided by our wonderful employer. So if I choose to bring my lunch from home of leftovers from dinner the night before or a sandwich, I can store it in the refrigerator until lunchtime arrives.
Sometimes one of us will make a run to the store or a restaurant to pick up a food order we placed by phone, and then we can enjoy the meal while watching our shows. We also occasionally take turns making a large amount of food to bring in to share with each other. My favorite meal to make is spaghetti because it tastes so good and serves many, usually with leftovers for the next day too. One of my co workers usually brings chicken wings when it is her turn; she got the recipe from her mother in law and it is delicious.
Whatever we have to eat, my lunch break has been made to be something I look forward to each work day.