
Apr 24, 2011

Web Hosting For Blogs

I am so happy that my cousin continued what she had started a year ago.  We talked about it a couple of times but we both got busy with our personal and family lives the last few months.  Now we are back on track.

Besides tending with our family, including the newborns, online tasks are keeping us busy as of the moment.  We are into blogging now.  I started blogging two years ago and I find it an interesting hobby.  It has been a helping hobby to me since I started two years ago.  It is enjoyable too because you got to learn writing skills and meet new friends not only from your own country but from other parts of the world also.  There are plenty of things you will learn in blogging, that includes SEO or Search Engine Optimization (for your blog or websites status in search engines), web hosting, coding, and monetizing.  

My cousin is a newbie, so she still needs helpful tips from other bloggers who have become experts on this.  I have been blogging for two years but what I knew is not enough.  There are lots of ideas out there to learn.  As she continues, I encouraged her to have her blog hosted.  One of the advantages of a self-hosted blog is it gains more popularity and the chance of getting online job opportunities is better. In this connection, monetizing her blog will be easier too.  Hostmonster has the webhosting service that a blogger can rely on.  Its reviews are remarkable.  My cousin has to check this out.  And if we agree, we can sign up for this together.

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