
Jun 7, 2010

Expecting A Baby Girl

Oh wee!!! I am so glad for my cousin E. She had her ultrasound, and as happy as I am, she sent me a message in Facebook saying that they are expecting a baby girl. Wonderful! She said her speculations were true.

I can guess that she is very busy thinking about little girl's stuff for the nursery as well as busy shopping too.

I do not know what's my baby's gender yet. Hopefully, my OB/Gyn will tell me in the next appointment on the third week of this month. I can't wait!

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BLOGZOOM said...

Dear Friend, when the baby does not want to show the sex on ultrasound can be sweet girl!!! I just knew for sure was a girl when I arrived at the seventh month. Congratulations to your cousins.

Mhar's Display said...

@ Sissym, really? that's cool.
thanks for congratulating my cousin. she is pretty excited with her baby girl ;)
